About the Blog
Pdfproviderspk.blogspot.com was launched on March 28, 2017, as a personal initiative to provide easy access to a variety of books through download links and online reading options. Many of these books have been uploaded by me, while others are shared from publicly available sources. It is important to note that all books I have personally uploaded were already freely accessible on the internet, and I am not involved in the scanning or digitization of any material.
This blog primarily features Islamic books, though it also includes some controversial titles. To ensure authenticity and accuracy, I have attempted to provide references about the authors of certain books. However, before reading any Islamic book, I strongly recommend consulting a qualified Islamic scholar to verify its credibility and relevance.
The Inspiration Behind This Blog
The idea for this blog emerged when I was searching for insightful and meaningful books. During my search, I came across a book titled "Umrah Ka Tariqa", which I found to be highly informative for Muslims. This discovery led me to explore more books, particularly those related to End of Times in Islam. Recognizing the importance of these books, I felt the need to share them with a wider audience.
With this vision in mind, I created this blog to serve as a resource for readers seeking knowledge and guidance. I am also grateful to Google’s Blogger for providing a platform that enables the easy sharing of valuable content.
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